Meet the ESN Imperial team behind all of the great events organised for this year! smiley

We're all students at Imperial and have been living in London for some time, so we know all the best places to introduce you to! Most of us have already been on exchange, so we understand what it is like for you to be living abroad... we know it can be very scary at times!

If you experience any problems at all or just want to chat or want to know how to find your way in London, you can email us at

Role Member Photo

Carla Smith
MSc student in Bioinformatics

Studied Biochemistry at ICL
Exchange at Valencia (Spain) 2017/2018


Vinoshan Vaseekaran

4th year Mathematics
Exchange at Berlin 2018/2019



Sofia Mediavilla Madrigal

4th year ChemEng
Exchange at Singapore 2018/2019


Sofia Gonzalez Garcia

2nd year Physics