Are you a current or former exchange student or someone looking to meet new people from different places and cultures? Discovering the world is easier than you think with the Erasmus Student Network at the Imperial College of London!
ESN is the biggest student organisation in Europe, with sections in 42 countries led by boards at the local, national and international level. ESN Imperial launched in January 2009 by a few returning Erasmus students who loved their time abroad and wanted to stay involved.. We have a calendar full of events such as visits to London tourist attractions and weekly socials collaboration with other London sections. Run by a committee of Undergraduate and Postgraduate and International and Domestic students from a wide range of degree disciplines, ESN Imperial facilitates cultural exchange and aims at enriching society through international students.
Being part of this international network gives members the opportunity to participate in National Trips, where hundreds of students come together from universities all over the UK to discover a new city and make the most of the social and cultural activities arranged by the local and national boards, and represent the local section at international events such as International Erasmus Games (IEG) as part of the British Delegation. We are dedicated to making sure you love your time at Imperial, whether you're on exchange, returning from exchange or studying here full time! Be part of something bigger with ESN Imperial.
We would also like to stress that we are the only organisation of our kind supported and funded by Imperial College of London. There are a variety of other companies and organisations working, which means there is a great variety of trips and events on offer! However, we only endorse our official partners, and not all companies are reputable and trustworthy. We would warn students to always be careful online, particularly with regards to advance payments. Should you have any concerns, you can always contact ESN Imperial for reliable advice.
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